Monday, October 25, 2010

Lions and Tigers and Pies...oh my!

Lucky me! I got to spend a day at the Phoenix Zoo with my sweet pies! It was a perfect day. The weather was amazing and we all had such a wonderful time! 

Miss Kayt hugging the monkey!

Look what I found in this giant clam!

Kayt the Alligator wrestler!

Wart Hogs!

 Even the restroom holds fun for my pies...the hand blowers were ferocious!

My favorite at the zoo? This Vulture- he looks ready for Halloween doesn't he?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Wedding Pie

The pies and I all flew to beautiful Ohio for Zach and Heathers wedding on October 15. It was a joyous day watching them give their vows to each other.  Before the wedding started Justin and Jacob played in the leaves. Are they not just the handsomest little guys in their wedding outfits?
It was a pretty cold day but the girls were brave and beautiful as they took their places.
Miss Aubrey as flower girl.

                              And lovely Miss Kaytlyn as a Jr Bridesmaid.  She looks so grown up!
 Heather arrives on her Fathers arm...he has a few words for Zach and Heather as he gives her away (If you need anything- call your Mothers) is what he confided  he said. :)
                                  The groomsmen were lucky- they had coats to keep them warm.

      Uncle Nicky (Zach's brother) and Aunt Hillary (Heathers Sister)

                        Aubrey signs the picture book

            Snuggling in Grandpa Dons arms...time for bed!
     What a wonderful wedding it was...may Zach and Heather find every happiness in their future together!